Category Archives: Uncategorized

What have you had to MacGyver?

What have you had to MacGyver?

I bought 100 K-Cups for my Keurig on Groupon. Guess what? My machine is so new, those old K-Cups didn’t work. Lucky for me we have this awesome thing called YouTube. They have the answer for EVERYTHING! The things I have MacGyvered is endless. But, this is one of my favorites… CLICK HERE to watch!MORE

Get Caught Listening!

Get Caught Listening!

Jeraline from TriCore got caught listening to 99.5 Magic FM at work. It took awhile to track her down. We even met a great actress on our journey. CLICK HERE TO WATCHMORE

Best Mom Parody EVER!

Best Mom Parody EVER!

Taylor Swift just celebrated her 1 year anniversary with her man. Did you ever see this parody some Mama’s did with her “Blank Space” song? I like it better than the original! My favorite Mom-Parody!MORE

This is Letterman. No Really….

This is Letterman. No Really….

It’s not Santa or ZZ Top. It’s our favorite late night TV host, David Letterman. He is running on the beach in St. Bartz just enjoying his retirement. Click here for full storyMORE